Welcome to our 2024-25 Year!

Meetings for 2024-25

   September 26:  QSAC and American Heart Association

October 31: Rutgers MTSS

   November 21: Rutgers MTSS

  December 19: Rutgers MTSS

   January 16: NJDOE Office of Innovation  

 February 20: Rutgers MTSS   

March 20: Rutgers MTSS

April TBD 

May 15

Meetings are 9:00-11:00 am

All meetings will take place at the Cherry Hill BOE Lewis Administration Building

45 Ranoldo Terrace Cherry Hill, NJ 08034

This is the home of the Camden County Curriculum Consortium (CCCC).  The CCCC exists to provide a place where curriculum and instruction leaders in Camden County, NJ come together for professional development, networking, and shared advocacy.